Call for Papers
The editorial board of Cyberpolitik Journal (CPJ) invites you to submit your researches on the following topics.
- Cyberpolitics
- Cybersecurity
- Cyberpower
- Cyberlaw
- Cyberdeterrence
- Cyber Ethics
- Cyber Philosophy
- Cyber Conflict
- Cyber Surveillance
- E-democracy
- E-economy
- E-commerce
- E-education
- E-participation
- E-accountability
- Social Media
- Cyber Religion
- Cyber Addiction
- Cyber Governance
- Cyberspace
- Internet of Things (IoTs)
- Internet Layers and Levels of Analysis
- Cyber Actors
- Cyberpolitics and Globalization
- Cyberpolitics and Nation-State
- Cyberspace and Non-State Actors
- Cyber as a space
- Cyber as a world
- Cyber as a science
- Cyber as a Platform
- Is cyberspace controllable?
- Who is the Boss in Cyberspace?
- Cybersecurity and Bureaucracy
- Cyber crimes
- Other related issues